Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Okay my last post sucked...

I was just upset cuz i had said I was going to take advantage of my break to do something productive... I'll get over it.

So, last night I watched Singles again , this tine I made Kathy watch it. It's not that great of a movie but I have a feeling that I going to end up watching it like a million times. Pearl Jam and AIC and Soundgarden are in it and everytime Eddie or Chris Cornell came on screen we both just went "awwwwww" cuz they look so cute and young and lanky, but they don't have lines cuz they can't act. But Jeff from Pearl Jam is WAY too good at acting so he did any talking...

I'm going to make something to eat but I have a feeling this might be one of those 3 or 4 post days...


Blogger Theresa said...

Singles. Saw it. Hated it.

1/05/2005 12:49 p.m.  

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