Wednesday, December 29, 2004

So Cute

Okay I have a cousin who's 3 (I think ) named Daniel, if you've had the chance to meet him you know how freakin' cute he is. But the best thing ever is that him and his brother always play Tony Hawk on Playstation and last time I went to his house he was singing Blitzkrieg Bop and Ace of Spades! Motorhead!! God Bless that game. Now they got Tony Hawk Underground 2 and he was singing Beat Your Heart Out by the Distillers! DISTILLERS!

Okay I'm done with that, you really have to be there to get the full effect.

So tonight I was at my aunt's house for my uncle Bruno's B-Day (some of you know him as Edwin...yes Theresa I remember...) Best Game ever to play with Hyper kids " Diana pretends to sleep on the couch" it was fun. Anytime I moved Michelle yelled "no peeking" and I got to sleep. Great game...


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