Friday, June 18, 2004

blogger guilt:(

I think it's kinda sad that I actually feel bad for not blogging for so long. It seems that I had a lot more time at school... I guess most of my posts were from Math class anyway. My computer at home is so disgustingly slow that that's why I don't bother posting things cuz it's so frustrating. But today I'm at my mom's office so it's crazy fast.

Anyway, today was my absolute last day at QAA, my last exam, the last time I wear my kilt. I hunted down Mr. Myszak and got my Physics marks. So I got 91 on my written exam and 81 on the lab which is really sad. So, overall I end up with 90 which is pretty bad considering I had a 95 a month ago. But i guess at this point none of it matters anymore.

Next is prom that should be fun, or interesting at the least.


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