six string nation
The CBC Attempts To Construct An All-Canadian Guitar
Is it bad that I think that story is SO cool! I'm so proud to be a loser!!! YES!
We should question ourselves more often
The CBC Attempts To Construct An All-Canadian Guitar
Ya so Madonna changed her name to Esther, but not really, it's only her kabala people that call her that or something, but honestly who cares?
Okay so I was bored so i went to and found this article: Does Paul Martin Have Better Taste In Music Than Stephen Harper? Read it and follow the link it gives you.
I think it's kinda sad that I actually feel bad for not blogging for so long. It seems that I had a lot more time at school... I guess most of my posts were from Math class anyway. My computer at home is so disgustingly slow that that's why I don't bother posting things cuz it's so frustrating. But today I'm at my mom's office so it's crazy fast.
I noticed today that hose water has a specific smell, it doesn't smell bad or good for that matter but it just has a smell. It smells like summer, actually it smells like a water-gun fight. I remember one time when I couldn't find a water gun so we had a Windex bottle fight, I'm not sure if we rinced out the window cleaner.... I think it's funny how a smell can bring you back, "they" say it's the strongest sense when it comes to memory, but it's usually a lot easier to carry around a photo album. I guess that's the trick, a smell usually triggers a memory when you least expect it, looking at pictures is kinda cheating I guess... like you're forcing it. I guess music is like smell, a lot of songs remind me of people or things, but mostly feelings or times. And we're not always in control of what songs we're listening to... but for some reason smell's supposed to be the sense most tied to memory or maybe it's all a load of crap. It's easy to make up stats that no one can really check, like did you know that your kidney would make the best house-guest of all your internal organs? (okay that's all I could come up with) One day I'm gonna meet these people that like to say things, you know the ones, you know "what they say" ... most kids have trouble with that, even I've wondered "who are "they" and why do they give my mom an excuse to make me do things?" I think we've all made that joke. But I kind of feel like I've become one of them cuz I'm sure I've said enough things, or just passed on one of "their" famous tibits. What would makes the most sense is if we said "you know what we say..." but I guess no one wants to take responsibility if it's wrong. It's something to hide behind, it's "them" who are telling you what to do , not me... they're the ones trying to make me feel smarter than you.
I know I haven't posted anything for a while... I guess I heven't really had any time or inspiration for that matter. But when i saw this story I just had to share : Creed Breaks Up, Scott Stapp Recruits The Tea Party