Sunday, November 28, 2004


I know right now my blog looks ugly as sin, but i'm fixing it asap
Stay tuned I'm trying to post more often, but I'm not going to re-tell my life...That what livejournals are for... lol geeks!

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Best News Ever!!

David Lee Roth Jumps At Paramedic Job

This is the coolest news I've heard in a while. Smells like there's a reality show behind this... Anyway, I'm not sure I ever want Diamond Dave comming at me with a defibrulator.

Thursday, November 11, 2004

It's all over now...

The Matt Good concert was Saturday night. It was pretty good, he's back to his old self with all the jokes between songs, even if they are about Unocal and John Ashkroft. The whole concert seemmed to pass by in minutes, so I guess that means it was that good. Auf Der Maur was amazing! I hate to admit it, but the next day all I had was her songs in my head and not Matt Good. But I still love him :)

As you can tell it's now thursday and of all the concerts I now love the Tea Party SO much more even though I told everyone Green Day was the best concert (which I guess it was). I started listening to Splendor Solis which I stole from Kathy and all the songs from the concert I didn't reconize seem to be on that album. Just download "A certain Slant of Light" and "Sun coming Down" and you'll know what I mean

Saturday, November 06, 2004

2 for 3

Three concerts in 3 nights! Let's hope tonight is as good as the first 2.
Green Day, what can I say? That concert honestly blew me away. I never considered Green Day to be an arena band but WOW!!! It was so good. If you were there, you know what I mean, if not I'm not sure how to explain...As far as th's not worth trying to disect it.

Next, The Tea Party. I honestly wasn't expecting much after Green Day. This was just one of those concerts I wish I could have on CD and listen to over and over. It was pure rock, they didn't fuck around with the 200 different intruments. They are just such good musicians. and now kathy is in love with Stuart (bass / keyboard player)

Tonight's Auf Der Maur/Matt Good so we'll see how that goes...

On a completely different topic...
I don't care who knows it, I LOVE the new Papa Roach song "Scars" When did they get SO EMO?? I'm not sure why, but I heard it once and I'm in love.

so so emo...