Wednesday, September 08, 2004

I need a hobbie...

thanks Christine for the comment... i think...
anyway, I'm at school now, I was half an hour early so I came to the computer lab. I've been spending WAY too much time up here it's getting kind of sad. I have english class next and I didn't do my reading, ya I know I'm a rebel...but I did my Journal that was due today this morning and it's like the crappiest thing ever but my excuse is I'm in science so english doesn't matter.

I don't know why but today the bus ride here made me SO sick. I feel like I'm going to throw up but I know I won't and sometimes that's worse.

I still have 20 minutes before class, so I'll go in 15 minutes...

There are SO many German kids in this school and they all seem to hang out in the computer labs... that's weird...

damn I probably should have made use of this time to work on the 2 assignments I have due tomorrow that I didn't start yet.


Blogger Theresa said...

Hey remember when we took the bus downtown with your foreign relative who didnt shower and liked to make strange noises and actually it wasnt a bus it was your moms car and we got out of the car and you went into the restaurant and then you threw up and everyone heard you throw up because you threw up really really loudly and then İ think you bought a Sprite but maybe İ just imagined that because İ have a tendancy to do that and HEY İM İN ASIA

9/12/2004 4:15 a.m.  
Blogger Theresa said...

dude man diana if you could hook me up with derek that would be sooo awesome except our kids would look like yetis and would not be able to talk they would just make weird clicking noises but we would give them cute names like Candy and Molly so in conclusion yes hook us up.

9/15/2004 12:21 p.m.  

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